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Newly Discovered Psychiatrist Disorder On The Rise

Perhaps you like I are a little more than a little chagrined by the throwing around of ridiculously slanted statistics these days on the part of the Psychopharmaceutical Industrial Complex (PPIC). The Psychopharmaceutical Industrial Complex, just in case you were wondering, “is a symbiotic system composed of the American Psychiatric Association, the pharmaceutical industry, public relations and advertising firms, patient support organizations, the National Institute of Mental Health, managed care organizations, and the flow of resources and money among these groups”. Statistics like this one from a myhealthnewsdaily article, Mental Disorders Strike 1 in 5 Adults, Survey Finds.

About one in five adults in the United States suffered from a mental disorder during the past year, according to results of a national survey released today (Nov. 18).

20% of the population “mentally sick”. I don’t think so. 20% of the population so over burdened and overwhelmed by economic and social difficulties that they might visit a psychiatrist’s office, perhaps.

Statistics like this represent just one more reason why the expression “laughter is the best medicine” exists. Laughter, after all, should keep any “mental disorder” a person might happen to develop from becoming “seriously disabling”.

Roll On The Floor Laughing (ROTFL), and maybe not.

Keep reading.

Nearly 5 percent of those adults suffered from a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, that substantially disrupted their daily life, according to the 2009 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

We’re still on the laugh track apparently.

Barring a literal translation of “those adults” [emphasis added] into 5% of 20% or 0.01 of the population, this means that 1 person in every 20 people has been tagged with a “mental illness” label characterized as “serious”.

This 1 in 5 statistic then means people who were not so seriously disturbed as to need any sort of long term treatment. Many of these people probably could have managed satisfactorily enough without visiting a shrink had they found any other convenient means of working out their problems and dealing with their issues.

I know that psychiatrists and mental health workers want to drum up more business. I also know that if this profession manages to get more than 1 in 5 members of the public into their offices, that 1 in 20 figure of the so called “majorly disturbed” is going to go up as well.

I would like, at this time, therefore to propose the creation of an additional psychiatrist disorder. The disorder I’m referring to statistitis syndrome, or the applying over much weight to, and the jockeying and juggling of, research data in the interest of advancing trade interests. One important thing to remember is that the presentation and display of these statistics must be kept sufficiently slanted so as to deceive large numbers of the general public as to their true nature and the professional’s less than magnaminous intent.